
How can you facilitate, rather than control, group decision-making and team interaction? At Cutting Edge Training Solutions and Consultancies, we offer this service to ensure conversations and discussions about those things that matter to your organization are impartial, objective, on point and polite.

There has been a growing realization among organisations of the importance of an unbiased outsider’s view. With its focus on asking rather than telling, and listening to build consensus, facilitation is the new leadership ideal, the core competence every organisation needs.

Whether your team needs to discuss sensitive topics or has questions about confidential matters, we are happy to manage that process for you and ensure that participants are comfortable and assured of confidentiality. We provide facilitation services for focus group discussions, planning and team building sessions.

At the end, we will compile a comprehensive confidential report for your action.

Call for more information

+264 81 129 1810


P.O Box 11945

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